Jintae Lee, Gregg Yost and the PIF Working Group[1]
Version 1.0
December 22, 1994
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; This example design project is composed of four ;;; activities and a design team with four designers. The ;;; precedence network of the activities and the task ;;; responsibilities of the actors are illustrated below. ;;; ;;; () denotes Activity, [] denotes Actor, and -> denotes ;;; the Performs relationship. ;;; ;;; (E-DESIGN) <- [EE2] ;;; / \ ;;; / \ ;;; [ARCH1] -> (A-DESIGN) (D-REVIEW) <- [PM4,ARCH1,EE2,ME3] ;;; \ / ;;; \ / ;;; (M-DESIGN) <- [ME3] ;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-hierarchy (entity (activity decision) (resource (actor group) skill) (relation creates uses modifies performs successor prerequisite cannot-be-concurrent))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Project and Team definitions ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-frame EXAMPLE-PROJECT :own-slots ((Instance-Of ACTIVITY) (Documentation "A project is the top-level activity of this activity elaboration hierarchy. The Components attribute lists the sub-activities of the project.") (Name |The Example Project Process|) (Component ARCHITECTURE-DESIGN-1 ELECTRICAL-DESIGN-2 MECHANICAL-DESIGN-3 DESIGN-REVIEW-4) )) (define-frame DESIGN-TEAM-1 :own-slots ((Instance-Of GROUP) (Documentation "A project team is a Group. It has member actors, and can itself be viewed as an Actor.") (Name |Project Design Team|) (Member ARCHITECT-1 ELECTRICAL-ENGINEER-2 MECHANICAL-ENGINEER-3 PROJECT-MANAGER-4) )) (define-frame TEAM-PERFORMS-PROJECT-1 :own-slots ((Instance-Of PERFORMS) (Actor DESIGN-TEAM-1) (Activity EXAMPLE-PROJECT) )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Architectural Design and Architect-1 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-frame ARCHITECTURE-DESIGN-1 :own-slots ((Instance-Of ACTIVITY) (Documentation "This is the first activity of the example project. It starts when a contract is made. It produces an architectural design which will be followed by electrical and mechanical design.") (Name |Architecture Design|) )) (define-frame ARCHITECT-1 :own-slots ((Instance-Of ACTOR) (Name |Robert Callahan|) (Skill ARCHITECTURE-MEDIUM) )) (define-frame ARCHITECTURE-MEDIUM :own-slots ((Instance-Of SKILL) (Name |Architecture, Medium-level|) )) (define-frame PERFORMS-2 :own-slots ((Instance-Of PERFORMS) (Actor ARCHITECT-1) (Activity ARCHITECTURE-DESIGN-1) )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Electrical Design and Electrical-Engineer-2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-frame ELECTRICAL-DESIGN-2 :own-slots ((Instance-Of ACTIVITY) (Documentation "This is the second activity of the project. This activity can begin only after ARCHITECTURE-DESIGN-1 is completed. It can (but does not necessarily) occur in parallel with MECHANICAL-DESIGN-3.") (Name |Electrical Design|) )) (define-frame SUCCESSOR-2 :own-slots ((Instance-Of SUCCESSOR) (Predecessor ARCHITECTURE-DESIGN-1) (Successor ELECTRICAL-DESIGN-2) )) (define-frame ELECTRICAL-ENGINEER-2 :own-slots ((Instance-Of ACTOR) (Documentation "This engineer has two skills, one is electrical (high) and the other is mechanical (low). She is responsible for both electrical design and design review.") (Name |Cristina Marconi|) (Skill ELECTRICAL-HIGH MECHANICAL-LOW) )) (define-frame PERFORMS-3 :own-slots ((Instance-Of PERFORMS) (Actor ELECTRICAL-ENGINEER-2) (Activity ELECTRICAL-DESIGN-2) )) (define-frame ELECTRICAL-HIGH :own-slots ((Instance-Of SKILL) (Name |Electrical, High-level|) )) (define-frame MECHANICAL-LOW :own-slots ((Instance-Of SKILL) (Name |Mechanical, Low-level|) )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Mechanical Design Mechanical-Engineer-3 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-frame MECHANICAL-DESIGN-3 :own-slots ((Instance-Of ACTIVITY) (Documentation "This is the third activity of the project. This activity can begin only after ARCHITECTURE-DESIGN-1 is completed. It can (but not necessarily) occur in parallel with ELECTRICAL-DESIGN-2.") (Name |Mechanical Design|) )) (define-frame SUCCESSOR-1 :own-slots ((Instance-Of SUCCESSOR) (Predecessor ARCHITECTURE-DESIGN-1) (Successor MECHANICAL-DESIGN-3) )) (define-frame MECHANICAL-ENGINEER-3 :own-slots ((Instance-Of ACTOR) (Name |Gary Fassbinder|) (Skill MECHANICAL-MEDIUM) )) (define-frame PERFORMS-4 :own-slots ((Instance-Of PERFORMS) (Actor MECHANICAL-ENGINEER-3) (Activity MECHANICAL-DESIGN-3) )) (define-frame MECHANICAL-MEDIUM :own-slots ((Instance-Of SKILL) (Name |Mechanical, Medium-level|) ));;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Design Review and Project Manager ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-frame DESIGN-REVIEW-4 :own-slots ((Instance-Of ACTIVITY) (Documentation "This is the last activity of the project. This activity can begin only after both ELECTRICAL-DESIGN-2 and MECHANICAL-DESIGN-3 are completed. It has four responsible actors, and this activity can be viewed as a design-review meeting. All team members must participate.") (Name |Design Review|) )) (define-frame SUCCESSOR-3 :own-slots ((Instance-Of SUCCESSOR) (Predecessor ELECTRICAL-DESIGN-2) (Successor DESIGN-REVIEW-4) )) (define-frame SUCCESSOR-4 :own-slots ((Instance-Of SUCCESSOR) (Predecessor MECHANICAL-DESIGN-3) (Successor DESIGN-REVIEW-4) )) (define-frame PROJECT-MANAGER-4 :own-slots ((Instance-Of ACTOR) (Documentation "This actor is the manager of this project. She is responsible for decision-making whenever a exception occurs during the process of the project. She is also co-responsible for the design-review activity.") (Name |Ann Rollins|) (Skill MECHANICAL-MEDIUM ELECTRICAL-LOW MANAGEMENT-HIGH) )) (define-frame PERFORMS-1 :own-slots ((Instance-Of PERFORMS) (Actor DESIGN-TEAM-1) (Activity DESIGN-REVIEW-4) )) (define-frame MANAGEMENT-HIGH :own-slots ((Instance-Of SKILL) (Name |Management, High-level|) ))