The PIF Process Interchange Format and
FrameworkThe PIF Process Interchange Format and
Jintae Lee, Gregg Yost and the PIF Working Group[1]
Version 1.0
December 22, 1994
Table of Contents
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. History and current status
4. PIF
5. Alphabetic Class Reference
6. Extending PIF
7. Appendix A: PIF Syntax
8. Appendix B: An Example PIF File
9. References
3. History and Current Status
The PIF project began in October 1993 as an outgrowth of the Process Handbook
project at MIT and the desire to share process descriptions among a few groups
at MIT, Stanford, the University of Toronto, and Digital Equipment Corporation.
The Process Handbook project at the MIT Center for Coordination Science aims to
create an electronic handbook of process models, their relations, and their
tradeoffs. This handbook is designed to help process designers analyze a given
process and discover innovative alternatives. The Spark project at Digital
Equipment Corporation aims to create a tool for creating, browsing, and
searching libraries of business process models. The Virtual Design Team (VDT)
project at Stanford University aims to model, simulate, and evaluate process
and organization alternatives. The Enterprise Modeling project at the
University of Toronto aims to articulate well-defined representations for
processes, time, resources, products, quality, and organization. These
representations support software tools for modeling various aspects of
enterprises in business process reengineering and enterprise integration.
In one way or another, these groups were all concerned with process modeling
and design. Furthermore, they stood to benefit from sharing process
descriptions across the different representations they used. For example, the
Enterprise Modeling group might model an existing enterprise, use the Process
Handbook to analyze its tradeoffs and explore its alternatives, evaluate the
different alternatives via VDT simulation, and then finally translate the
chosen alternative back into its own representation for implementation.
Over the last year, through a number of face-to-face, email, and telephone
meetings, members from each of the groups have:
- Articulated the requirements for PIF
- Specified the core PIF process description classes
- Specified the PIF syntax
- Elaborated the Partially Shared View mechanism for supporting multiple,
partially overlapping class hierarchies
- Created and maintained a database of the issues that arose concerning PIF's
design and the rationales for their resolutions
- Implemented several translators, each of which translated example process
descriptions (such as a portion of the ISPW-6 Software Change Process) between
PIF and a group's own process representation.