Public Versions of the Process Handbook

On-line version of the Process Handbook (for viewing contents only)

Downloadable versions of the Process Handbook (software and contents can be downloaded, used, and modified)

The following versions of the Process Handbook are available as part of the SourceForge Open Process Handbook project:

Convergence is desired

All of the above downloadable versions of the Process Handbook are being made available now as open source software. However, we hope that some or all of these versions can be integrated into a single system or a family of interoperable components. At a minimum, it would be desirable to have robust methods for exchanging content between different versions of the software. In the interests of time, we are making all the versions available now, but we very much hope that continuing discussions and development will lead to further integration of these versions.

Future plans

We expect to release another version of the Process Handbook on SourceForge soon:

We want your help!

To participate in discussions about and development of the Open Process Handbook, please join the OPHI mailing list.