2nd Workshop on


“Norms and Institutions in MAS”

Montreal, Canada, May 29th, 2001



Welcome and Introduction (9:00-9:15)


Paper Session 1 (9:15-10:15) Trust Management and Market Governance


A Framework for Distributed Trust Management

Lalana Kagal, Scott Cost, Timothy Finin, Yun Peng


A Conceptual Architecture for Market Governance in Trusted Electronic Marketplaces

Mathias Sallé, Michal Morciniec, Brian Monahan




Paper Session 2 (10:45-11:45) Norms and Interactions


Implicit Commitments through Protocol-Level Semantics

Gregg Economou, Maksim Tsvetovat, Katia Sycara, Massimo Paolucci


Normative behavior based on emergent invariant expectations

Sigmar Papendick, Joerg Wellner, Werner Dilger


Position Paper Presentations (11:45-12:30)


Knowledge as Arguments for Facilitating E-commerce Dialogue

John Yearwood and Andrew Stranieri


Towards Regulating Electronic Communities with Contracts

Michal Morciniec, Mathias Salle, Brian Monahan




Paper Session 3 (14:30-15:30) Norms, Institutions and Systems Performance


Norms, Roles, and Simulated RoboCup

Henry Hexmoor and Xin Zhang


Towards a Theory of Flexible Holons:Modelling

Institutions for Making Multi-Agent Systems Robust

Michael Schillo, Ingo Zinnikus, Klaus Fischer




Panel Session: Reputation in MAS (16:00-17:00)

Rosaria Conte, Chris Dellarocas, Mario Paolucci


Analyzing the economic efficiency of eBay-like online reputation reporting mechanisms

Chris Dellarocas


False reputation in social control

Mario Paolucci


Discussion and Conclusions (17:00-17:30)